Health + Technology.

So am a "techie girl".
I have been keeping a close eye on the worlds trending technology and improvements,and mobile application seems to be the trend most companies and people are looking for developers and coders to develop something that will improve the world.

Health care has seamlessly improved through the technology.

Did you know there are over 1000 mobile apps that dealing with healthcare in Uganda.
Mobile technology has the potential to revolutionize health care 100%.

 Kenya launched the Sema-Doc Tele-Medicine Healthcare will enable patients to interact directly with doctors and other medical staff in their hospitals and clinics, be diagnosed more quickly and treated in their communities, villages and towns, also Includes tips on how Kenyans can improve and manage their health,public education on the need for physical activity and change of diets to incorporate traditional food stuffs. From your mobile dial *220# to access the platform "Kua sure ki-afya".

Future Healthcare Technology as whole.

1. Nanobots in Blood
Yes nano robots will be part of your blood cells.These tiny robots can function like our own white blood cells and destroy bacteria and other pathogens. I think it is about time we gave leukocytes a hand in  protecting the body against both infectious disease and foreign invaders.
The nano-robots can destroy bacteria, carry oxygen, create blood clots for wounds, and repair cells and could also perform small tasks like delivering chemotherapy 1000 times more powerful than using drugs and would not cause as many side-effects to patients like the current treatments do. 


2.  we have all wanted to live forever, and one day that may become reality with companies like Google and looking for ways to extend life by curing disease, preserving our brains in stasis, or saving them on computers or another brain. MIND AND HEAD TRANSFERS.
I think they will call the procedure Stitching

Currently there are three methods cryopreservation, chemopreservation, and a hybrid approach for mind transfer all procedures happen of-course upon biological death and they tap to your brain and collect your memories and transfer "the memories" to a new brain or a computer and alas reincarnation happens!, 
only now you still remember your past and you can pick up from where you let off with a new body and of course new pair of clothes and shoes. 
No More geniuses, scientist, engineers, teachers and techies etc taking their knowledge “brains” to their graves.
 With this technology one gets a second chance in life, you get a REDO. With this technology we will get to solve so many murder crime because all we have to do is rewind like in the movies and get to see the murders face and boom! S/he faces the law, the crime scene investigation officers’ job will be so easy. 
We would also get to prevent so many deaths before they happen.

The future is truthfully  bright!

3. Designer babies.

It is no longer just Test Tube babies, or you just visiting fertility clinic to get your ovaries fertilized with your kind of choice sperm from a sperm donor or you just freezing your ovaries till the day you will feel like you are ready to have a baby. No! Now we have the designer babies’ procedure, when fertilization occurs the parents get to visit the clinic or hospital and get to alter your fetus soon to be baby DNA this process is called the three parent baby. You get to decide which genes the baby may retain and which not to retain, as well as to induce a new gene if need be. 

You know those genes you have always dreamt for your future generation to have now it’s possible to have them.
The three parent baby procedure will also help eliminate a variety of potentially fatal diseases like heart and liver failure, and deafness. This process may also enable couples to conceive children who without it would never have the possibility. As these procedures are perfected and the science becomes more transparent the usefulness of this technology only grows exponentially.

The moral and ethical implications may lead to a platitude of arguments in the future, like whether or not designer babies will become a normal wealthy indulgence.  As we are not 100% sure you will meet your ideal man or woman at least the headache of having your ideal children has been suppressed with this technology.

Well it’s up to you whether or not to book that Appointment. 

Get your future babies customized. 

4. Ever heard of plastic surgery gone WRONG o Rogue.

The cure is coming up, it is the Stem-cell Reconstructive Procedure it replaces invasive surgeries with something much less complicated reduces recovery times and lessens the likelihood of mistakes and unforeseen complications. 
This type of procedure can be used to help fix facial deformities, recover tissue lost due to cancer, and a wide variety of other necessary plastic surgeries. The Stem-cell Reconstructive is performed by injecting stem-cell enhanced fat into procedure areas. 
The use of stem-cells for a variety of augmentations is starting to replace lipo-filling, which is the practice of removing full fat cells from one part of the body and transplanting them to another. No more messy business .

Planning to have plastic/cosmetic surgery?
Hold your horses and wait for this simple procedure rather going under the knife.

Technology offers a lot of POSSIBILITIES.

It is  upto you to accept the possibilities or not.

SA-born devs launch photo-sharing app to help healthcare sector from a picture you caget diagnosed read article: .

Keep Safe.:)
Till next time.


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