The Human CoNnEcTiOn.

It’s human nature to desire a connection with another human being other than themselves. This leads to the start of a relationship be it platonic or romantic. Once the connection is achieved, one finds life a bit easier to live since you have: a shoulder to lean on, one to share your secrets with or even the deepest of feelings.

Little or no time is spent to evaluate the kind of relationship that one is getting him/herself into. Is it or will it be a symbiotic or a parasitic relationship? We fail to ask ourselves this, and rather, we jump on the spur of the moment. Sometimes peer pressure forces us to be friends with the worst of people; the desire for an emotional connection causes us to be in relationships that are but a waste of time and so on.
To avoid being in parasitic relationships where one is eaten up inside and by the time their eyes are opened to the truth of the matter, they have no more strength to carry on. First, if you are already in a relationship of whatever manner, get to understand yourself in terms of what you want from other people, be it friendship or something more. When you’ve totally known what you are in need of then evaluate the relationship that you are in, does it satisfy your needs? If not, you better start packing your bags and be ready to leave no matter how painful the separation maybe.

Habit is always difficult to break free from, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do. Don’t wait till things go sour then start complaining that people have changed. The signs were there all along but you chose not to see them and sadly there has to come a time when you have to face the bitter truth; as we all know, prevention is always better than cure.

A good example would be of those people who become friends with them that backbite others and expect that their “friend” wouldn’t do the same to them. Whether you know it or not, your so-called friend speaks behind your back too. Don’t act surprised when you get to hear of it because the signs were there all along but you chose to ignore them. Reason with your head before you open up your heart to others not everyone is concerned with your well being .This is the harsh reality of life.

Enjoy 2015 people :) :)

shout to Libby Shephards


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